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4 Signs You Need to Improve Your Social Media Graphic Design

Improve Social Media Graphic Design

A lot of online content is posted on social media every day—billions of content.

Getting noticed online is difficult unless you back up your brand with great visuals. And the secret to superb marketing visuals is excellent graphic design!

First impression lasts a lifetime. It is an old proverb that is still true, especially with social media. Investing in great graphic design helps set your brand apart from the competition! Consistent creativity could make your brand stand out, and audience engagement would naturally follow.

To do that, you need to know if your visual communication needs improvement. Here are five signs you need to look out for:

  1. Low Engagement

There are a lot of reasons why your brand’s social media page is not performing that well. Often, one of the major culprits is low audience engagement.

People get bored easily. With thousands of online content, discerning viewers move on quickly if they don’t find a post visually appealing within a short span of a few seconds. Boring visuals translates to poor engagement.

For Motion Cabin, it is a challenge that our graphic designers take on in stride. We find the creative balance that effectively engages with your audience.

  1. Boosting Restrictions

Some rules limit creatives. For example, on Facebook, they have community standards and advertising guidelines that tell you what you can and cannot post. Failure to follow these guides results in your post getting deleted. Not to mention the time and effort spent on producing content will go to waste.

Make sure to be updated on social media strategies and more importantly, the guidelines for each digital channel your brand will use. Or, you can hire a team that has the technical and creative know-how. It would save you a lot of time, and it would mean good news for your brand.

  1. Flagged Content

What does it mean if your brand’s post is flagged? It is when people report your post to be offensive or it does not follow community guidelines.

The content your brand posts has an impact not only on your image but also on your audience. So be mindful of the materials, themes, and topics. Also, out of billions of online posts every day, two or more can be similar. It’s also important to check if the content your brand curates is similar to another brand.

  1. Low Recall on Audience

The key to consistent branding is visuals. Visual communication strategy gives an objective and a road map to how all your posts should look.

Consistency throughout your posts makes your brand stand out. It also evokes security and trust in your brand. Brand recognition would follow. Customers would know not just your brand’s name but the feeling you give them every time they encounter it.

With Motion Cabin, we can make things better for you.

We highly value creativity, innovation and consistency so rest assured your brand would be in good hands. Let us know.

Message us at info@motioncabin.com, and let us turn your creative ideas into actions.

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