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5 Animated Video Ideas for your Next Instagram Content

Animated Video Ideas for your Next Instagram Content

Animated videos are a great way to tell a story and it enables your brand to maintain distinction. This creates one consistent voice that your targeted audience can easily identify  and it would generate better engagement on any platform. 

More reasons why animated videos are great for social media:

  • Concepts are easier to understand
  • Gives context t0 ideas
  • Present abstract ideas in a friendly way
  • Strikes the right tone 
  • Visually appealing regardless of age
  • Hold market’s attention
  • Budget-friendly

Yes, animated videos are effective. But the question is, what type of animated video should you create for your brand right now, that you can share on social media? Well, you’re in luck, there are tons of animation styles that you can choose from! Here are a few animated video ideas you should consider:

Motion Graphics

As the name suggests, motion graphics is an animation style that utilizes shape and text to communicate their message. It’s highly stylized that is usually complete with music, sound effects, and voice-over to convey the information. It makes ideas more digestible and easier to understand.

Things to consider when you choose motion graphics for your next social media content:

  • Designers create motion graphics digitally 
  • Color and dynamic motion hooks viewers from the get-go
  • It’s straightforward when conveying the intended message

Mixing 2D & 3D Animation

Mixing 2D and 3D animation come with perks. For one, it’s a popular motion style that is well-known among designers. It’s also trending because animated videos can easily be stylized in a way that aligns with your brand’s vibe and messaging. 

Things to consider when you choose mixed 2D & 3D animation for your next social media content:

  • Designers can do 2D sketches of characters in a small amount of time
  • Create 3D models of props and backgrounds instead of drawing the different angles of an object or scene
  • Save 3D models as assets for future use

Kinetic Typography

Kinetic typography means text in motion. Essentially, it’s a video that is heavily reliant on text and numbers. But to make it more engaging, designers animate the texts to create visual appeal. This animation style can be mixed with other styles and can also be used in live-action videos. 

Things to consider when you choose kinetic typography for your next social media content:

  • Animating texts and numbers can evoke sensations that translate to sound and add weight to words
  • It’s a great way to grab the attention of the audiences that are either visually-driven or text-driven
  • Be highly selective of what words should be animated to create emphasis



Stop-motion animation uses a broad range of mediums. The one that we’re more familiar with is clay animation or claymation. Here are a couple of mediums that can be used for stop-motion animation as well:

  • Puppet
  • Paper cutouts
  • Action figures
  • Images of real people and environments

Basically, stop-motion is the manipulation of real-world objects. Each motion of a character or prop is painstakingly photographed one frame at a time. These sequences of shots create the illusion of movement when combined together.

Things to consider when you choose stop-motion animation for your next social media content:

  • You need to create characters and props from 3D models before translating these into real-world objects
  • Capturing motion through a succession of photographs is time-consuming
  • It can be more rewarding and engaging when you share a behind-the-scenes video of the stop-motion video 


Even now, there is a debate about which is better: live-action, or animation? Why not just use both?

The combination of live-action and animated videos get the best of both worlds. On one hand, live-action builds trust with the audience while animation is visually dynamic.

Things to consider when you choose live-animated videos for your next social media content:

  • Save time by shooting live-action videos in a few days
  • Add animation during the editing process of live-action videos to create emphasis on certain aspects
  • Live-animated style can be used to refresh existing live-action videos

There are loads of animation video ideas that can inspire you on what to create your next social media content! You can even merge some of these animation styles to create your own unique video that aligns with your brand. 

Collaborate with us! For inquiries, just message us at info@motioncabin.com, and let’s turn your creative ideas into actions.

Motion Cabin is a full-service digital advertising agency that can produce creative high-quality content from stunning animation videos to on-trend graphic designs and articles that effectively engage with your audience.

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