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5 Pro Tips to Create a Unique Instagram Aesthetic

Create a Unique Instagram Aesthetic That Fits You

Instagram is one, if not the most popular social media platform today. With over a billion existing users today, having a curated Instagram feed matter for every brand out there. Well-chosen concepts and images for Instagram feed are like a digital mood board to your target audience. It gives them the sense and feel of what your brand is all about. 

Setting the right tone of your brand’s core values and personality through your feed not only helps grow your following but also allows you to attract your ideal market. With that said, here are some tips to make your Instagram feed in tip-top shape for your target market’s consumption.

  • Your surrounding matters

Since inspiration can be found everywhere. And in the event that it doesn’t—it’s time to take a walk and find inspiration elsewhere. Always bear in mind that your environment can truly make your juices flow. Take a walk at a nearby park or just sit on the bench. Interact with other people since those little interactions can trigger profound stimulation to keep your creative juices from flowing from your brain to your image conceptualization, down to your Instagram feed.

  • Never put boundaries on creativity

A person’s creativity should never be bound in any aspect, so if you want to follow norms, your execution might not go as planned and it might prevent you from achieving your goal in terms of your brand’s content.

While every brand’s values and strategies are different from each other, it is best to remember to remove self-imposed creative barriers to stay true to your brand’s core and promise.

  • Don’t get hung up on the little details

Getting too hung up on the little details takes only a second and an obsession over the look of every post and the overall profile gallery to find yourself second-guessing your entire work and idea––not worth all the internal agony. Consistency with your brand’s overall aesthetic theme will reel in loyal audiences. So the next time you’re feeling hesitant about your creative choices, just take a breath and keep your cool.

  • Even the pros experience internal creative conflicts

While it’s hard enough for mortals to come up with concepts, you’ll be relieved to know that even the pros have to battle internal conflict when it comes to curating content for the perfect Instagram gallery. There’s always that added pressure that comes with the immediate feedback you get on social these days. When you find yourself hitting a creative roadblock, just remember that seasoned professionals are cut from the same cloth and that it happens to all of us. 

  • It is a continuous learning process

If you believe that you have already achieved the perfection of your craft and can already rest on your laurels, you’re only setting yourself up for eventual failure. In fact, real experts can’t stop, won’t stop. Curating content for a winning feed doesn’t come easy or naturally to most people because that’s just not how their brains are wired. They might understand the strategy of it all, but they don’t necessarily grasp how to approach aesthetics and visuals as it relates to a brand world.

Instagram continues to hold astronomical potential for your brand and it requires hard work and dedication in order to reap the full benefits. While tools are invented to make content curation simpler, the human touch remains the most crucial factor for achieving maximum reach potential. Assessing content one-by-one to build a curated Instagram feed that will help you establish a warm and welcoming connection with your target audience and market.

Need help in curating your IG feed? Send us a message and we’ll make sure you achieve your feed goals!

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