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Here’s Why You Should Still Use Pop-Up Ads

One of the biggest challenges of online marketing is finding a way for people to pay attention to your ads. While there are a lot of ways to do that, there is a marketing tool that is really effective in doing that. So effective even, that people hate it.

Many people hate pop-up ads.  An ad-blocker software was even invented just to avoid it. But it’s gotten so much flack that Ethan Zuckerman, the creator of pop-up ads, apologized back in 2014.

Even with the latest Google updates that slashed out most of the annoying pop-up ads, marketers still use it. Why? Because it’s effective.


You can’t ignore it


People hate pop-up ads for a reason: they hijack people’s screens and ruins the user experience. It interrupts people, both visually and mentally. Viewers can’t help but read the message or the value proposed. The message was communicated to you before you can simply click “Close.”


Everyone sees it


Unlike sidebar ads, pop-up ads are more likely to be remembered mainly because of banner blindness, a phenomenon wherein people consciously or unconsciously ignore your website’s display advertisements. Compared to sidebars, pop-ups are right at the center of the screen, whether they are just a small box or big enough to engulf the whole page.


It engages with its target


A pop-up ad with a prompt that shows up just where you need it is more effective than visually harassing people the moment they arrive at your website. The key difference? Timing and context.

Set your pop-up ad to show up thirty seconds (or less) later so that your viewer would be invested first on your website content and would be more likely to convert versus immediately showing up with no investment built up, which may end up ruining their trust.

Context is what surrounds your message, and it’s what gives you a better chance of higher conversion rates. For example, you’d like to offer a free e-book on tips & tricks in choosing color palettes for your graphic designs. If would be better for a pop-up to appear a couple of seconds after opening an article about graphic design trends so they can be more interested in your offer.


They offer value


The best pop-up ads always offer something of value. From a free e-book and access to exclusive content to a discount coupon and limited-time upgrade, the value you offer in your pop-up ads is a key driving force for people to actually do something. In short, creating pop-up ads that viewers actually like would be more effective.

We’ve all been there, the moment pop-up ads turn up, we don’t even think twice and just click the exit button.  Pop-up ads are annoying because it ruins our experience. While Google has done it’s best to bump off the most obnoxious ads, marketers still use it because of its undeniable efficacy. The only difference now is that they got better at using pop-up ads—well, most of them did. There are still people that spam you to submission.

Motion Cabin is a full-service digital advertising agency that can help you increase your conversion rates by crafting engaging pop-up ads that won’t annoy your viewers (too much) and produce high-quality content for your value proposition.

Collaborate with us! For inquiries, just message us at info@motioncabin.com, and let’s turn your creative ideas into actions.