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What Makes Digital Advertising In The Philippines Unique?

What makes digital advertising in the Philippines unique?

  1. Tickles our emotions with thought-provoking messages
  2. Versatility, flexibility across channels
  3. Strong understanding of Filipinos’ tastes
  4. Powerful, influential posts
  5. Viral, witty content
  6. Mastery with mobile marketing

Want to cast a wider net online? Then it’s time to invest in digital advertising. As the newest norm and fastest-growing marketing channel, digital advertising has helped put countless companies on a bigger stage and has even helped them reach more customers. 

The success of digital advertising is especially felt in our country. Thanks to our strong dependence on social media and other online platforms, a majority of our audience are digital natives. However, this means that digital advertising in the Philippines works a bit differently. 

So, what aspects of this industry are different here, compared to the rest of the world? That’s what we tackle in this article — and what makes digital advertising in the Philippines creative, genuine, and unique.

Tickles Our Emotions With Thought-Provoking Messages

Ever watched a thought-provoking, heart-warming ad that made you think about how much you can relate to it? 

If yes, then you’re one of the millions of Filipinos who got their emotions tickled by the thought-provoking messages that digital advertising companies create that everyone can relate with. Digital ads can make you feel angry, sad, disappointed, kilig, and broken-hearted. 

That’s because digital advertising agencies in the Philippines are experts when it comes to evoking emotions. They can easily create a campaign that their target audience resonates with.

And, as a country filled with romantics and family-oriented viewers, it’s common to see brands that make use of cheesy tropes and familial skits to appeal to their customers

To make their campaign more effective, many agencies also rely on storytelling — as we do here at Motion Cabin! Through our creative storytelling, we present a story that many Filipinos can relate to. This helps draw out the right emotions for our ads, and can also increase engagement! 

Versatility, Flexibility Across Channels

The secret to success in digital advertising is coming up with relevant, shareable content that every Filipino family can relate to across a variety of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

At Motion Cabin, the leading digital advertising company in the Philippines knows how to capitalize on these multiple platforms to help our clients promote their brands online. 

We have various digital advertising services allowing our clients to market the products or services they are offering online. Thus, digital ads are a multi-platform strategy that provides a full meal or quick snack of information to the target audience.

Strong Understanding Of Filipinos’ Tastes

There’s a total of 108 million Filipinos. 82.4% are active on social media. With this statistic in mind, the question is: how will you be able to get enough new customers in a matter of less than one minute of digital advertising video?

Motion Cabin, the leading digital advertising in the Philippines, is safe to say that we have a strong understanding of Filipinos’ tastes in terms of creating relevant, relatable, and witty ads that they will bite and share on different social media platforms. Except for Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube, our ads can also be posted or sent on Reddit, WhatsApp, and Twitch through shared links! 

Powerful, Influential Posts

One of the undeniable factors why digital advertising is so powerful in the Philippines today is that many agencies are partnering with influencers. For customers, nothing’s more convincing than seeing their favorite influencers using a specific product or service from a brand. They look up to influencers, so seeing this inclines them towards using the showcased product or service themselves! 

We can all agree that every time we scroll down on Facebook, we see different posts from influencers, geared towards driving their audience to buy from or support a brand. 

As a result, Filipino netizens often watch short reviews or feedback videos on Facebook or Instagram from influencers or social media personalities first, before making a move of buying a specific product. 

Viral, Witty Content

With a strong digital advertising strategy, your business could become the next viral sensation online! There may be no exact formula for why or how something suddenly goes viral online, but knowing how to appeal to the curiosity and imagination of Filipino netizens can greatly help your ad. 

That’s why the trend for digital advertising leans towards witty wordplay and funny marketing campaigns — it greatly appeals to a majority of Filipinos! This kind of content is highly likely to reap meaningful ROI.

Have you seen a few digital ads online that become viral because of their out-of-the-box content? Thanks to the unique concept of digital advertising in the Philippines and the people behind them!

Mastery With Mobile Marketing

Since Filipinos are glued to their mobile devices, digital advertising companies know how to use this opportunity to reach their target customers with their new, advanced strategies. 

That’s why many businesses that have problems with introducing themselves to their target audience rely on digital advertising to market their products or services and improve their engagement levels.

Imagine the possibilities of marketing your business online where millions of strong Filipino mobile users are spending their time looking for products or services. 

Key Takeaway

In this blog, you’ve figured out what makes digital advertising in the Philippines unique. That said, you see it in action for yourself (and just how well it works) once you hop in with the leading digital advertising company in the Philippines — Motion Cabin!

Increase your revenue and grow your business with Motion Cabin! Got some questions? Don’t hesitate to inquire at Motion Cabin today. You can also browse our list of services or read our other Motion Cabin blogs here.

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