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How to Get Your First 1000 Followers on Facebook

How to Get Your First 1000 Followers on Facebook

So you just got started on a new business, and you want to let your target audience know. Naturally, you make a Facebook page of your business.

You want to have followers on Facebook, but so far, you only got less than a hundred at that moment. Every business has gone through the same thing, and some grew bigger than others.

To effectively grow your following, here are tips to consider:

  1. Get to Know Your Audience

Learn who your audience is first. Do this by creating personas of your target audience that represent the real-life people that you want to reach. With Facebook Insights, you can learn your audiences’ interests and activities. Just make sure to fill in the information of your target audience, such as their location, age, and gender.


  1. Show Your Personality

Being authentic is another great way to get more followers on Facebook. It shows your brand’s personality and signals your audience that it’s interesting. Letting people behind the curtain, like behind the scenes images, show them what goes on into what you’re doing. It’s also a great way to engage with your audience.


  1. Be Active (But the Timing Has to Be Right)

Be active on Facebook when your audience is active. Timing, when to post your content, influences how much engagement there is between your brand and the audience. Ultimately, it also impacts how you’ll get followers on Facebook. There are a few ways to find the best timing to post, one of those is reading up on the latest studies about the behaviors of Facebook users.

  1. Partner With an Influencer

While influencers can greatly help your brand be known to your target audience, t’s important to choose those who are relevant to your business and are engaged with their audience, instead of those that only have a huge following.


  1. Cross-post

If you have other social media accounts, such as Twitter, Instagram, or Linkedin, be sure to add a call-to-action pointing to your Facebook page when you post on these platforms. Let your audience know they can also find relevant content and discussions on your other pages.


  1. Offer Value

Offering something of value is another tried-and-tested method to get more followers on Facebook. Many Facebook users are attracted to deals, free trials, coupons, and giveaways. Offering something of value gives people an incentive to follow your page and look forward to more freebies.


  1. Tag to Boost Awareness

Being seen and heard is the best way to get more followers on Facebook. You can either ask people to tag your page when they share your posts, or when using your product or service. Or, tag influencers and other brands who use your products or service.


  1. Use #Hashtags

Hashtags give your brand more visibility to people who are interested in the type of content you post and your business. It can significantly help you reach your niche audience by using relevant hashtags to your posts. Just make sure that you don’t include too many, especially on Facebook — include only industry-related hashtags.


  1. Get That Verification Badge

Facebook offers verification badges to businesses and famous people. Having a verification badge indicates the person or business is authentic. Getting your Facebook page verified instantly increases your brand’s credibility and earns the trust of your audience.


  1. Share Live Stream Videos

Engaging with your audience via live stream video is a great way to get followers on Facebook. It allows your audience to interact with the real people behind your brand via the comments section.  It feels more authentic and interactive because it’s happening in real-time.

There are a lot of ways to organically get a thousand followers on Facebook. Some of the methods mentioned above are quite familiar because of their sure-fire efficacy. In your opinion, which of the method are more effective than the rest and why?

Collaborate with us! For inquiries, just message us at info@motioncabin.com, and let’s turn your creative ideas into actions.

Motion Cabin is a full-service digital advertising agency that can craft and produce high-quality content that ranges from stunning animation videos, on-trend graphic designs, and engaging content that represent your brand identity.

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