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7 Video Production Services You Need To Know Today

What are the video production services you need to know for your business?

  1. Event video services
  2. Advertising video services
  3. Corporate video services
  4. Industry-specific video services
  5. Product video services
  6. Testimonial marketing video services
  7. Social media video services

Video is an essential marketing tool today, and if your business is not integrating it as part of your marketing strategy yet, you’re at risk of being left behind. This article tackles different video production services that you may need for your own company. Keep reading to learn more!

Event Video Services

These videos cover live events, such as meetings, lectures, performances, and other events. The duration of these videos varies widely, typically ranging from as short as 30 seconds to over 3 hours, depending on the nature and length of the event.

Event videos are crucial for businesses to exhibit their brand, products, and services at events like conferences, product launches, or trade shows. These videos capture the enthusiasm and buzz of the event, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

It is often used for promotional purposes to help generate buzz and interest in upcoming events of your business.

Advertising Video Services

If you’re up for a powerful marketing tool for your business, choose the advertising video service as it helps to promote your products or services to potential customers. There is a reason why this type of content gets the most engagement!

Advertisement videos tend to be 30-90 seconds long and can be scripted, docu-style, or purely animated. It is designed to capture the viewer’s attention by conveying a compelling message that motivates them to take action, such as making a purchase or visiting your company’s website.

They can be distributed through social media, TV, and online advertising platforms to establish brand identity, build trust, and generate sales.

Corporate Video Services

These are often used by many businesses to communicate their brand’s message, values, and goals to employees, stakeholders, and customers. Usually lasting from 1 to 60 minutes, corporate videos cover a wide range of topics, from internal training to promotional content showcasing a company’s history, products, services, and accomplishments.

This is a creative way to create a consistent and relevant message that can be easily shared across platforms, such as the company’s website, social media, and even e-mail newsletters.

Industry-specific Video Services

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, industry-specific videos can effectively highlight your company’s unique qualities to your target audience. These videos typically last less than 5 minutes and incorporate a range of filming techniques, including time-lapse, montage, sliders, drone shots, and more, to create an engaging and captivating viewing experience.

For instance, the real estate industry can use this to highlight properties and their key features that are tailored to the needs of their target clients.

Product Video Services

As more and more purchasing decisions are made on the internet, compelling product videos cannot be overstated as they convert website visitors into customers. These videos present a product or service in a unique manner that surpasses what can be accomplished with still images or text.

Beyond showcasing the product’s features, they also exhibit functionality in the most favorable light. Moreover, they are frequently short and made in a straightforward format, suitable for distribution on social media.

Testimonial Marketing Video Services

A person often seeks reassurance before purchasing a product or service to guarantee it’s worth their investment. So, a video testimonial can offer this reassurance by showcasing a real-life example of how someone has taken advantage of the product or service in question.

This video service is simple but effective. It shows how well a product works in real life and shares positive feedback from customers. This can encourage others to try the product too.

Social Media Video Services

Social media has provided excellent marketing opportunities for businesses to showcase their video content. It’s a simple and effective method to share videos on various platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

However, the competition is exceedingly fierce. But, you’re in luck because the Motion Cabin team is here to help your business stand out amidst the noisy environment on social media. To be effective, we use attention-grabbing elements and strategies in a more captivating, and socially savvy style that every business demands.

Why Are Videos Important in Marketing?

Video is a crucial element in marketing. It is a highly engaging medium that can hold people’s attention for longer than text or images alone. This increased engagement can lead to better brand recognition, increased user interaction, and higher conversion rates.

Moreover, videos are versatile and can be utilized in different marketing contexts, including social media, landing pages, email marketing, and more. They can be used to promote products or services, provide instructional content, showcase company culture, and even humanize brands.

Key Takeaway

Video production services are tailored to suit specific audiences. If you are uncertain about how to target your audience most effectively, hop into our cabin and contact us here at Motion Cabin today. As the top video production company in the Philippines, we comprehend the impact of video on consumers and can help you select the optimal video service type for your requirements.

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