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The Do’s and Don’ts of Video Ads: Common Mistakes to Avoid

What are the things that you should and should not do in video ads?

  1. Always consider your target market or audience.
  2. Don’t oversell your products or services.
  3. Highlight the uniqueness and advantages of your selling proposition.
  4. Don’t make it too long or complicated.
  5. Incorporate storytelling.
  6. Don’t rely on written texts or visuals alone.
  7. Remember to always include a call to action.
  8. Don’t disregard the analytics.


Many companies make the mistake of diving straight into production without learning how they are selling their products and services. Here allow you to discover the secrets to effective video ads by learning how to avoid common mistakes and create engaging content. This includes understanding your target market, avoiding overselling, and highlighting your unique selling proposition. We stress the importance of keeping ads concise and compelling while still harnessing the power of storytelling and dynamic visuals.

If you’ve been thinking of or incorporating video ads into your business, it is important to always pay close attention to the nitty gritty details of an effective video ad in marketing. There are things that we should include and there are things that we should not when it comes to creating a compelling video ad. In this article, we will tackle the mistakes to avoid in video ads and what should be done instead if you want your video ad to succeed.

Always Consider Your Target Market or Audience

Before anything else, it is important that from the start, you already know who your video ad is for. Recall who your brand’s target market is, their age, gender, interest, and other demographic and physiological aspects that may play a role in how they respond to marketing ads and promotions.

Once you get to know who your target market is, it becomes clearer to you to whom you aim your video ad. It also becomes easier to determine what language you will be using in order to communicate your products and services with your audience.

Don’t Oversell Your Products or Services

Yes, you are selling your products and services. However, overpromoting and exaggerating their features is not an effective sales technique. Instead, it may do even more harm than good to your business.

When you talk about your products and services in your video ad, be realistic. Analyze how people, in reality, respond to advertisements and don’t focus too much on being pushy or else, you’re driving them away even more.

Highlight the Uniqueness and Advantages of Your Selling Proposition

This is when you let your products and services shine. If you are in a vast and competitive market space, find a way to make your product or service stand out. Make it known to your target market that you are offering something of great value that will benefit them that they won’t find easily in other companies that offer the same kind.

Utilize an explainer video to showcase how the features of your product or service promote innovation and why your audience should choose you over your competitors. Make sure that it aligns with your market’s demand as well because your audience needs to see the purpose of buying your product or service. Still, stay realistic.

Don’t Make It Too Long or Complicated

People’s average attention span only last for 8.25 seconds in general. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you should limit your video ad length to 8.25 seconds, though. Simply, keep it short enough to retain the interest and attention of your audience. Hen you keep it concise, there’s a higher chance you’re audience will see all parts or most of your video ad.

Incorporate Storytelling

Storytelling takes a more holistic, unique, and fresher approach to catching the attention and interest of your audience. This powerful element in video ads can appeal more to emotions and hence can affect your audience’s decisions. That’s why storytelling in video ads can do so many wonders for your business. This progressive style of delivering your message and value to your audience can garner more engagement and interactions.

Don’t Rely on Written Texts or Visuals Alone

Long paragraphs can be too much to indulge in for the majority of your video ad content’s viewers. Visuals as standalone may also not provide much context, leaving your audience with many questions and confusion.

A video ad is dynamic marketing material that goes beyond static images and texts. You can add animations, voiceovers, background music, and more to add life to your video ad and appeal more to your audience’s perception.

Remember to Always Include a Call to Action

At the end of your video ad, you can include a CTA or call to action for your audience to buy your products or avail of your services. Providing details such as your company website, social media, or locations in a persuasive manner not only prompts your viewers to follow the CTA’s intent but also increases your traffic and engagement rate.

Don’t Disregard the Analytics

Once you’ve posted and shared your video ads, you don’t just leave them in the air. Monitor how well they perform and analyze the impact of the activity of your target audience. Take time to take a look at the conversions, leads, click volume, and other essential metrics that have a significant impact on your marketing campaign’s success.

Key Takeaway

Included in a successful adventure are millions of little mistakes that you learn from along the way. By learning from and taking note of the mistakes to avoid in video ads, you can traverse your roadmap toward a successful advertisement and even reach the pinnacle of ultimate marketing.

If you want a guaranteed professional video ad for your marketing campaigns, you can work with the leading video production company, Motion Cabin. Collaborate with us now to start a worthwhile and wonderful marketing journey!

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