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The Essence of Using an Animated Logo to Represent Your Brand


Every marketing-savvy company needs a compelling animated logo as part of its strategy. Logos are basically used to identify a brand, meaning, it should clearly speak for itself through the design and elements used.


Whether it is shown in the beginning or used as an outro in a promotional video, the purpose of an animated logo is recognition or awareness. There will always be retention in your customers’ minds, especially if your logo looks unique and relevant. Of course, an animated logo could make things even better as it comes with motion, sound, and transition. Of course, an animated logo is embedded within the video so it couldn’t be skipped. This gives your brand a better chance of getting your audience’s attention.


Compared with other marketing elements or types, an animated logo is one of the most affordable. Not all companies allot a high budget when it comes to their marketing efforts, so an animated video could make a good marketing material as a one-time investment.


More so, an animated logo, in 10 seconds (or less!), could tell your brand’s story. Unlike a static logo which needs a little more time for comprehension when a deeper meaning is squeezed into a tiny logo, transitions, shapes, and motion could help explain a story when a logo is animated.


When trying to find the perfect animated logo to match your brand, be sure to stand out by not following the trend. Do not just use pastel colors because it is “in”, or do not just use geometric elements because everybody else does it. Some trends do not last forever, so go for the design or transitions which are “timeless”. Make sure that your company’s goals and messaging are related with the elements to be used in the logo to avoid confusion.


Aside from YouTube videos, you could also make use of an animated logo on your Instagram stories and videos as many social media users are into Instagram already. These kinds of logos could also be used for in presentations or pitches, and could also be embedded in a company website.


Among other marketing strategies, having an animated logo is one of the best ways to make your brand stand out in social media. We at Motion Cabin offers logo animation creation to impress your audience using your story and style. Increase your video engagement as you wow your audience with a logo that speaks for itself.


To know more, visit https://motioncabin.com/logo-animation/ or send us a message at info@motioncabin.com.